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Английский язык Контрольная работа 2 Вариант 4
02.08.2014, 22:58

CH.V. RАМАN (1888-1970)


1. Raman was an Indian physicist, pre-eminent in molecular spectroscopy and acoustics. He created the Indian Academy of Sciences in 1934 and was its president until his death in 1970. He was justly considered the father of Indian science and the Indian Government honoured him with the first of its National Professorships. In 1957 he became an International Lenin Peace Prize Winner.

2. The son of a teacher and lecturer, Raman entered the College in Madras in 1903 and achieved the highest distinctions in the examinations for scientific degrees. As scientific research was at this time almost completely neglected in India, he then entered the Civil Service and was appointed to a position in the Finance Department in 1907. He retained this employment for ten years, mostly in Calcutta. When he was eighteen years old he published his first original optical research in the "Philosophical Magazine". He continued scientific work in his spare time: some thirty papers testified to his ability and energy and helped to make his name familiar to scientists in Europe and America.

3. In 1917 Raman was offered the professorship of physics at the Calcutta University. He occupied the chair from 1917 to 1933. Raman brought to Calcutta many talented young Indians to undertake research into optical phenomena, acous--tics and other branches of physics.

4. During the years in Calcutta Raman emerged as a truly international figure. In 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (for his work on the scattering of light and for discovery of the effect named after him). Raman was honoured by Universities and scientific institutions in Russia, Europe and America as well as in his own country.

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Why was Raman honoured by many universities and scientific institutions of different countries?

1. because he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

2. because he brought to Calcutta many young talented Indians.

  1. because of his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of an effect named after him.


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