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Английский язык Контрольная работа 3 Вариант 2
02.08.2014, 23:07



1. It is common knowledge that certain metals and their alloys are attracted by a magnet. After heating this property vanishes; it is restored after cooling down. A new magneto - heat engine works on this principle. This invention relates to devices which transform thermal power, for instance, the power of the sun rays, into a mechanical power of rotation.

2. We know solar power is inexhaustible and its use does not harm the environment. That's why such importance is attached to the devices which make it possible to apply the idea of direct use of solar power, transforming it into mechanical forms of power. The development of an engine directly driven by a heat source such as solar power, makes it possible to simplify and make power generation considerably cheaper in comparison to the existing thermal engines we use today.

3. The rotor of the new engine is made of an alloy that loses its magnetic properties already at 100° С. If the rotor is heated on one side, the cold side of the rotor will turn toward the magnet. Since heating continues, the rotor goes on rotating, too. Thus solar power can be used as a source of heat in this case. The magneto-heat engine can drive pumps in waterless districts can also be widely used for watering greenery in cities and settlements.

4. By using thermomagnetic alloys it is possible to develop a lot of automatic devices, for example, solar clocks, thermometers, etc. Mention should be made that these devices can withstand extreme temperatures. To organize the production of the necessary alloys is simple as there is no need for rare materials or complex technology.

7. Прочтите- 4-й абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос:

Why are thermomagnetic alloys used in the production of automatic devices?

1. they resist to acids.

2. they resist to heat.

  1. they resist to pressure.
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