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Английский язык Контрольная работа 5 Вариант 3
02.08.2014, 23:20



1. Many of the most serious environment problems of the technological nations result from the use of energy. Every form of energy production is known to cause some damage to the surroundings. A large part of urban air pollution is probably caused by emission from internal combustion engines. Other forms of urban air pollution result from the combustion of coal and low grade oil in steam electric plants or central heating plants.

2. Hydroelectric plants are considered to cause serious problems in the environment as well. One major problem of hydroelectric plants is the enormous weight of the water that fills the lake behind the dam rather quickly after the dam is constructed- The added weight places severe stresses on the geological formation, causing earthquakes in the area- The most severe earthquake - 6.5 on the Richter scale - happened as the lake behind the dam in Kogna (India) was filled.

3. Perhaps, the most tragic problem created by the Aswan High Dam on the

Nile River is the increase of diseases. The still waters behind the dam prove to create a good ground for insects carrying diseases.

4. Another form of environment degradation common to electric power generation is thermal pollution - the dumping of wasted heat into streams of water or the atmosphere. The warmed water-is rather quickly mixed with the streams of water in a lake, this having harmful effect upon ecological balance of the lake.

5. In order to obtain enormous amounts of energy we are building powerful atomic electric stations which open up tine prospects in atomic power industry. However nuclear plants are capable of polluting the environment with radioactive atoms of various elements. Moreover, nuclear reactors of the types now being built will not be widely used as a source of energy because of the scarcity of the isotope "U" which is used as fuel.

6. The largest potential source of nuclear energy is thermo-nuclear fusion by which the nuclei of small atoms are combined to form larger nuclei. However these power plants also contaminate the environment with radioactive elements that are released when the fuel is burnt.

5. Прочтите 6-й абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос:

What substances do power plants contaminate the environment with?

1. with radioactive elements.

2. with wasted heat.

3. with gases.


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